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    Carrió Pastor, ML. (2008). CARTA DE LA EDITORA. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 3. doi:10.4995/rlyla.2008.685SWORD

    Carta Abierta sobre el Síndrome del Bebé Sacudido y los Tribunales: Una Premisa Falsa y Defectuosa

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    Abstract--- La Carta Abierta sobre el Síndrome del Bebé Sacudido y los Tribunales ha sido preparada bajo los auspicios del International Public Health Research Group [IPHRG] (Grupo Internacional de Investigación sobre Salud Pública). Los primeros borradores fueron elaborados por Bill Bache y Charles Pragnell. La redacción final y la corrección fue de la Dra Lynne Wrennall, Directora Ejecutiva del International Public Health Research Group y Editora Gerente de Argument & Critique. El proceso de escribir la carta contó con investigaciones publicadas en este área, en muchos casos, investigaciones publicadas por los firmantes de la carta. Durante la redacción también se aprovechó la reiterada contribución de las reflexiones de los firmantes de la carta. A los efectos de la elaboración de la carta abierta, el International Public Health Research Group funcionó como un grupo Delphi, aconsejando en el proceso y contenido relativo a la carta. La lista completa de los expertos internacionales que han firmado su acuerdo con la carta se incluye al pie. Nosotros, los abajo firmantes miembros de diversas profesiones en todo el mundo, estamos profundamente preocupados por la protección de niños ante el maltrato, el descuido y la explotación. Nuestra formación profesional, experiencia y conocimientos periciales incluyen la medicina, protección de niños, psicología, epidemiología, biomecánica, física, ingeniería, investigación, la universidad, periodismo médico, derecho, trabajo social y criminología. Somos investigadores, escritores, profesores y médicos. Escribimos porque estamos profundamente preocupados por el uso del constructo de lo que es vulgarmente conocido como Síndrome del Bebé Sacudido [SBS], si bien se ha transformado diversamente en Lesión por Sacudida e Impacto, Trauma Craneal Abusivo (TCA), Lesión Cerebral Adquirida [LCA], y otras variantes similares

    Carta Abierta sobre el Síndrome del Bebé Sacudido y los Tribunales: Una Premisa Falsa y Defectuosa

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    Abstract--- La Carta Abierta sobre el Síndrome del Bebé Sacudido y los Tribunales ha sido preparada bajo los auspicios del International Public Health Research Group [IPHRG] (Grupo Internacional de Investigación sobre Salud Pública). Los primeros borradores fueron elaborados por Bill Bache y Charles Pragnell. La redacción final y la corrección fue de la Dra Lynne Wrennall, Directora Ejecutiva del International Public Health Research Group y Editora Gerente de Argument & Critique. El proceso de escribir la carta contó con investigaciones publicadas en este área, en muchos casos, investigaciones publicadas por los firmantes de la carta. Durante la redacción también se aprovechó la reiterada contribución de las reflexiones de los firmantes de la carta. A los efectos de la elaboración de la carta abierta, el International Public Health Research Group funcionó como un grupo Delphi, aconsejando en el proceso y contenido relativo a la carta. La lista completa de los expertos internacionales que han firmado su acuerdo con la carta se incluye al pie. Nosotros, los abajo firmantes miembros de diversas profesiones en todo el mundo, estamos profundamente preocupados por la protección de niños ante el maltrato, el descuido y la explotación. Nuestra formación profesional, experiencia y conocimientos periciales incluyen la medicina, protección de niños, psicología, epidemiología, biomecánica, física, ingeniería, investigación, la universidad, periodismo médico, derecho, trabajo social y criminología. Somos investigadores, escritores, profesores y médicos. Escribimos porque estamos profundamente preocupados por el uso del constructo de lo que es vulgarmente conocido como Síndrome del Bebé Sacudido [SBS], si bien se ha transformado diversamente en Lesión por Sacudida e Impacto, Trauma Craneal Abusivo (TCA), Lesión Cerebral Adquirida [LCA], y otras variantes similares

    Cuban Popular Resistance to the 1953 London Sugar Agreement

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    In 1953, faced with a catastrophic fall in the price of sugar, representatives of the major sugar producing and consuming nations of the world met in London to agree a mechanism for stabilising the international sugar market. Cuba was heavily dependent on the export of sugar and any change in either the price received for the sugar crop, or the amount that could be sold, had a huge effect on the island's economy. Despite having failed to diversify its economy into other areas to any great extent, by the 1950s Cuba had two independent markets for its sugar exports, one provided by the United States quota system and the other being the so-called ‘world market'. However, when the political threat of a reduction in the US quota coincided with a heavy fall in the price on the world market, the Cuban sugar industry faced a crisis. The Cuban government, which had come to power in a military coup in March 1952, had more economic problems to solve than just the falling price of sugar. A report for the World Bank had recommended wage cuts, easier dismissal regulations and mechanisation of industry as part of a package to raise productivity and increase profitability by reducing the share of the national income that went to labour. Cuban workers had a long tradition of militant defence of their wages and conditions, and so any attempt to increase productivity – which would have resulted in increased unemployment and lower standards of living for Cuban workers – required an authoritarian regime capable of overcoming resistance from the trade unions. Given the importance of sugar for the economy, any attempt to generally increase profitability could not succeed unless profits from sugar could be maintained, which in turn was dependent upon arresting the fall in world prices. The method chosen to implement the cut in exports, as required by the London Sugar Agreement, was to cut production by shortening the harvesting period. This served the double objective of reducing the amount of sugar on the world market, while reducing the plantation owners' wage bill because the cane cutters were only paid during the actual harvest. Such an approach, given the militant traditions of the sugar workers, would bring the Batista regime into direct confrontation with the sugar workers and lead to their biggest strike for 20 years. As both the London Sugar Agreement and the sugar workers' strike of 1955 are largely ignored in modern historiography, this paper traces the course of events and argues that, in an economy dominated by an industry that was so dependent on international market conditions, the contradiction between the needs of capital and labour would give the Cuban workers good reason to support the revolution in 1959. Starting from a discussion of the detailed relationship between sugar price fluctuations and the crisis in the Cuban economy, it can be seen how this led to participation in the London Sugar Agreement. The fact that this in turn brought the government and employers into conflict with the sugar workers requires an explanation of Cuban working-class politics and traditions of struggle. Before recounting the details of the 1955 strike, the paper continues with an analysis of the US sugar-quota system and an explanation of the manner in which American domestic politics exacerbated the already grave problems of the Cuban sugar industry. Finally, it argues that the different perceptions of the sugar workers and their employers as to the outcome of the strike led to increased working-class support for the revolutionary forces at the same time as many capitalist interests became disillusioned with the dictatorship

    Comments on Standards of Judicial Review

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    Denna avhandling fokuserar på det meningsskapande och begripliggörande som fortgår vid tilltagande demenssjukdom, i det sociala samspelet, och de utmaningar för demens-omsorgen som detta innebär. Studien är aktörsorienterad och adresserar frågan om hur personer med åldersrelaterade progressiva demenssjukdomar i den vardagliga kommuni-kationen söker förstå sina situationer, omgivningen och sina liv – alltsammans inom ra-men för det dagliga samspelet på ett demensboende. Av särskilt intresse är hur dessa per-soner hanterar problem som har att göra med att handla tillsammans med andra i en gemensamt delad värld och hitta sin roll i det pågående samspelet, och hur de etablerar och upprätthåller en identitet i detta samspel. Detta trots svåra minnesproblem, desorien-tering i tid och rum, olika sätt att förstå den pågående situationen samt svårigheter att be-rätta om sina liv på ett sätt som både stämmer överens med biografiska data och har en tillfredsställande temporal organisering. Avhandlingen adresserar också frågan om hur omsorgspersonalen kan hantera det komplexa samspelet mellan de boende i den dagliga omsorgen, med avseende på att upprätthålla och respektera dessa personers värdighet. Studien ansluter till en växande tradition av att studera interaktion vid demens som meningsbaserad och situerad i en kontext snarare än enbart som beteende som orsakas av kognitiva svårigheter. Metodologiskt är studien etnografisk och bygger på observationer fördelade över en tidsperiod av sex månader. Materialet, som består av ca 150 h videoma-terial och kompletterande fältanteckningar, möjliggör att samspelet studeras både i detalj och i relation till det större sammanhang som det ingår i. Studien visar på kvarvarande kompetenser och bidrar med ny kunskap om strategier som personerna med demens använder sig av i ett aktivt, kreativt och på många sätt ratio-nellt meningsskapande i det sociala samspelet med andra människor. Detta diskuteras i termer av resurser för demensomsorgen i relation till den stora utmaning som det innebär att lappa ihop och upprätthålla en begriplig och socialt delad värld, samt upprätthålla kon-tinuitet med personernas livshistorier på ett sätt som möjliggör en önskad identitet.This thesis focuses on the identity work and the meaning- or sense-making that continue in the face of evolving dementia diseases, in social interaction, and the challenges for care this involves. The study adopts an actor-oriented approach and addresses the question of how persons with age-related progressive dementia diseases in everyday communication make sense of their situations, their surroundings, and their lives – all within the context of daily life in residential care. Of particular interest is how these persons handle issues of joint action in a shared world and how they establish and maintain an identity in the inte-raction. This is in spite of severe memory problems, disorientation in time and space, dif-fering understandings of the current situation, and difficulties in telling “accurate” and temporally ordered stories about their lives. The thesis also addresses the question of how caregivers may handle the complex interplay between residents in daily care, in maintain-ing and respecting these persons’ dignity. The study follows a growing tradition of studying interaction in dementia as mean-ing-based and situated in a context rather than merely as behavior caused by cognitive impairment. Methodologically, this is an ethnographic study based on observations made within a period of six months. The data consist of around 150 hours of video recordings and complementary field notes. This extensive material has made it possible to study the social interaction both in detail and situated in a larger context. The findings point to remaining competences and strategies that persons with demen-tia use actively and creatively in the ongoing interaction – and, given the premises, often in a rational way. This is discussed in terms of resources for dementia care, in relation to the great challenge of patching up and putting together a comprehensive socially shared world as well as maintaining continuity with the persons’ previous life histories in a way that preserves a positive self-identity

    Dengue’s Medical Approach and Chikungunya’s Epidemical Emergency

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    Sra. Editora: El dengue como enfermedad viral de afectación exclusiva de áreas tropicales, actualmente endémica en nuestro paÍs, representa una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad por causa de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores (1), su control depende de una articulación intersectorial que actualmente ha sido difÍcil de implementar, fundamentada en el manejo entomológico y el control ambiental de humedales (2,3). En el paÍs es una enfermedad de interés en salud pública, lo que obliga al personal asistencial en salud a conocer detalladamente el perfil fisiopatológico de la enfermedad (4). La fiebre de chikungunya ha sido una enfermedad endémica en algunos paÍses tropicales latinoamericanos desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, extendiéndose progresivamente a otras regiones con las condiciones adecuadas de transmisión vectorial (5). De esta manera, esta carta al editor tiene como finalidad motivar a los médicos para estar dispuestos a una educación continua que permita tener claridad sobre el perfil clÍnico de cada una de estas enfermedades

    Formulación editorial de una colección de aventuras: la colección Salgari de la librería Romano Torres

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    Este artigo explora os caminhos múltiplos e, por vezes, ínvios através dos quais se tece o trabalho editorial na construção de uma colecção de livros. Esse trabalho encontra-se socialmente inscrito num contexto em que se articulam e interligam, frequentemente em tensão, lógicas e actores até exteriores à editora, formando um processo que molda a cultura impressa. O caso estudado é o da colecção Salgari, editada pela Livraria Romano Torres, editora portuguesa que publica esta série de literatura de aventuras durante mais de sete décadas.ABSTRACT - This article explores the multiple and often-impervious paths facing the publishing work while undertaking the task of putting together book series. Such task is socially inscribed in a context within which diverse frameworks and agents even outside the publishing house get to establish links among themselves, tensional most of the times, forming a process that shapes print culture. This article dwells on the case of Salgari collection, published by Livraria Romano Torres, a Portuguese publishing house that had this adventure book series in their catalogs for more than seven decades.RESUMEN - Este articulo explota los múltiplos caminos y, por veces, intransitables, a través de ellos se construye el trabajo editorial en la construcción de una colección de libros. Ese trabajo se encuentra socialmente inscrito en un contexto en que se articulan y se mezclan, frecuentemente en tensión, lógicas y autores externos a la editora, formando un proceso que molda la cultura impresa. El caso analizado es de la colección Salgari, editada por la Librería Romano Torres, editora portuguesa que publica esta serie de literatura de aventuras durante más de siete décadas

    The Aveiro charter of rights for human beings: a milestone for the second decade of the 21st century

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    BEING HUMAN is an extraordinary privilege. Every woman and every man that is born has something to learn and a project to build throughout their lives. Designing futures in the present and affirming what makes them BE HUMAN requires work, study and fun. Since the first decade of the 21st century, the Human Rights in Action project, by Civitas Aveiro, has helped, through its work with children, young people and teachers, to construct answers to the question: what makes us truly human? What are the effects of technologies’ in our life? The Aveiro charter of rights of the Human Being is one of the results of the 10th edition of the project developed in partnership with the University of Aveiro, with the backing of the Municipality and local Businesses. Twenty-five education and teaching institutions, from Nursery School to University, and a total of eight hundred Children and Young People, joined by around fifty teachers, from various subject areas, were involved in the development of the one hundred and twenty six rights inscribed in the Charter of Rights of the Human Being, which has been turned into an agenda for 2010. The dissemination of the charter by Civitas Aveiro aims to make a contribution in order that the citizens of the city of Aveiro, upon hearing the voices that speak out in this charter, may take steps toward making Aveiro a city blessed + dreamed with the Rights of the Human Being. The purpose of this presentation is to lay out and encourage discussion on the process of collective participation in the construction of the Charter of Rights of the Human Being, in various contexts, the methodology used and the analysis of the rights inscribed in it

    Ilustração e cartografia nos manuais escolares de Geografia, do ensino básico e secundário, em Portugal (séculos XIX e XX)

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    Na presente comunicação descreve-se e analisa-se a cartografia inserida nos manuais portugueses de Geografia do ensino não superior, publicados nos séculos XIX a XXI, aprofundando-se conhecimentos sobre a formação e a atividade dos autores, técnicas utilizadas e as simbologias e as convenções aplicadas, a clarificação das principais fontes, destrinçando-se entre cartografia original, cópias e variantes, a identificação das bases cartográficas que suportam a cartografia temática, delineandose, enfim, a evolução das características dos documentos cartográficos utilizados como ilustração e/ou como elementos de apoio ao processo de ensino/aprendizagem da Geografia, em Portugal

    A palavra nómada: contributos para o estudo do género epistolar

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    "A palavra nómada. Contributos para o estudo do género epistolar” is a study that aims at discussing the epistolary genre, a field of research which has been overlooked by linguistic analysis in Portugal. The analysis of epistolary texts is rather complex, not least because of the confluence of different disciplines in the very nature of the text. The versatility of the “modus epistolaris” - this nomadic expression of thinking, rebellious and resisting classification - invites a multiply focused approach. In my analysis, literary history, epistolary literature, rhetoric, and different approaches of linguistic analyses were used. The model of analysis IAED (Interactive Analysis of Epistolary Discourse), which was conceived in the course of my doctoral research, stresses this perspective, and intends to integrate and strengthen this kind of approach. This work shows the relevance of epistolary texts of celebrated Portuguese writers, and undertakes, prospectively, the publication of their often forgotten and neglected epistles. The goal of this research is to investigate the metamorphosis of verbal routines in epistolary texts, indicating either the abandonment of the classical and rigid structure of the epistle, or the immutability of some routines and the resulting volatility of others. Rooted in the proof and defence of the hypothesis of a “renaissance” and “reconnaissance” of the epistolary genre, this research aims at contributing to the construction of a theory of the “modus epistolaris".info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio